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The Philadelphia draft-dodger Grover Cleveland Bergdoll continued to cool his heels in the jail at Mosbach, Germany, last week (TIME, Feb. 22).

The investigating magistrate, one Judge Trautwein, continued mum as to the exact nature of the offense which Bergdoll was alleged to have committed with a Heidelberg girl some three years ago. Said the cautious Judge: “It is just a simple case which concerns alleged offenses against the proprieties. All I can say is that Herr Bergdoll is being held in connection with certain complaints filed in behalf of some children, girls and boys.”

Blatantly delighted at this revelation, that notorious U. S. tabloid, the New York News, exulted: “BERGDOLL PROVES HE’S A BUM

“In this column we once called Grover Bergdoll, America’s most infamous draft dodger, a bum. Recent news from Germany indicates that he has been doing his best— or worst—to prove we were right.”

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