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The modern peace problem, like its predecessors, is international; but, unlike them, it is idealistically positive in nature; that is, it aims at maintaining a world equilibrium on the basis of an international code of ethics, which is ultimately to bring sanity into international conduct and thus eliminate war. To encourage this idea among men, many institutions have been formed and are operative.

Woodrow Wilson Foundation. Last week, it distributed its first annual prize of $25,000 “for meritorious service of a public character tending to the establishment of peace through justice.” The money is from the in-come of about $800,000 raised by popular subscription.

The Davis who is not the defeated Presidential candidate, not the Secretary of Labor, not the Assistant Secretary of War, but the Davis whose given names are Norman Hezekiah, descendant of Snead Davis, a Revolutionary soldier, and who was Under Secretary of State in the Wilson Ad-ministration—this Mr. Davis announced that the $25,000 had been awarded to Edgar Algernon Robert, first Viscount Cecil of Chelwood (Lord Robert Cecil), third son of the third and greatest Marquis of Salisbury.

Lord Cecil was first put in swaddling clothes 60 years ago. As a young lad, clad in grey trousers, black coat with its pointed back, a vast expanse of white collar, and a tall, shiny “topper,” he entered Eton. He left the famous school without having achieved distinction, went to University College, Oxford, dressed in the tight, long trousers and flowing coat that was a peculiar product of the Victorian Age. He entered the service of his august father, as had his four brothers, known merely as a Cecil.

It was at the age of 22 that he be came a practical as distinguished from an Oxford politician. In a variety of positions, many of them important, he has served his country and served it well. Since the War, even during it, he lent his weight and experience to the problem of international peace. In 1923, his King, in recognition of his great services to humanity, made him a peer of the realm and he became Viscount Cecil of Chelwood.— Now, in the 39th year of his public service, a distinguished U. S. jury — Dr. Charles W. Eliot, President Emeritus of Harvard; Judge Florence E. Allen of the Ohio Supreme Court; Dr. James R. Angell, President of Yale; Authoress Dorothy Canfield Fisher; Publicist Raymond B. Fosdick; David F. Houston, member of Wilson’s Cabinet; Financier Thomas W. Lament; Henry Noble Mac-Cracken, President of Vassar; Authoress Ida M. Tarbell — appointed by the Board of Trustees of the Wilson Foundation, has unanimously selected him from 100 nominees to receive a prize.

Specifically, the award was made because:

1) “For five years he has carried on the ideals of Mr. Wilson.”

2) “In the Italo-Grecian crisis a yearago, he fought for peace, for mediation, for a fair settlement with an honesty and a Tightness which could not be denied.”

3) “He was instrumental in gaining statehood for Albania, thereby tending to assure peace in the Balkans.”

4) “He has aided in the development of an international conscience in the matter of mandates—’the sacred trusts of civilization’ dreamed by Woodrow Wilson.”

5) “He has been a pioneer for control in arms traffic.”

6) “He has been unceasingly active in behalf of racial, religious and linguistic minorities.”

The Foundation cabled to Lord Cecil, informed him of the award, received the answer: “Deeply gratified by award . . . which gladly accept.” It was then given out that he would arrive in Manhattan in time for a dinner on Dec. 28, birthday of Woodrow Wilson, at which the award is to be presented to him. Lady Cecil, a daughter of the late Earl of Durham, is to accompany him.

Nobel Peace Prize. Last week the Nobel Prize Committee of the Nor-wegian Storthing (Parliament) decided not to award the Peace Prize this year. Apparently no deserving person could be found. Even to Washington the Norwegians looked in vain.

Since 1903, the following have received the Nobel Prize for Peace†:

1903 Sir William Randal Cremer (English)

1904 Institute of International Law

1905 Baroness Bertha von Sultner (Austrian)

1906 Theodore Roosevelt (American)

1907 Ernesto Teodoro Moneta (Italian) Louis Renault (French)

1908 Klas Pont us Arnoldson (Swedish) Frederik Bajer (Danish)

1909 August Marie Beernaert (Belgian) Paul H.B.B. d’Estournelles de Constant (French)

1910 International Peace Bureau (Switzerland)

1911 Tobias Michael Carel Asser (Dutch) Alfred Hermann Fried (Austrian)

1912 Elihu Root (American)

1913 Henri LaFontaine (Belgian)

1914 No award

1915 No award

1916 No award

1917 International Red Cross of Geneva

1918 No award

1919 Woodrow Wilson (American)

1920 Leon Bourgeois (French)

1921 Hjalmar Branting (Swedish) Christian L. Lange (Norwegian)

1922 Fridtjof Nansen (Norwegian)

1923 No award

Herman Prize for Peace Education. Last week, $25,000 offered by Raphael Herman of Detroit, for an educational plan calculated to foster world peace, went to Dr. David Starr Jordan, Chancellor Emeritus of Leland Stanford University.

Mr. Herman, born in Germany, made a fortune manufacturing steam power specialties in Detroit. Dr. Jordan, author, ichthyologist, educator, has long been a patriarchal .figure in world peace associations of the U.S.

Unlike the Bok award, the Herman specifications did not involve legislation or a referendum but called for the best method of conscripting the world’s educational forces for peace. More than 5,000 plans were submitted. Dr. Jordan’s:

“Let the world’s school teachers cooperate under the supervision of the World Federation of Educational Associations.

Let 12 committees be appointed: to work with foreign educational groups; to work with peace societies; to investigate the teaching of history, of patriotism, of world amity; to encourage international athletics; to consider the creation of a “Peace Council” in the U. S. State Department; to study mili-tary training and “preparedness” in the schools, incentives to war, and the theory that war is a “cosmic necessity.” Finally, a committee to investigate the relations of the League, the World Court, The Hague Court, to international education.

Bok Prize. Edward W. Bok, retired editor, offered a prize last year (TIME, July 9, 1923, Nov. 26, 1923, Jan. 7, Feb. 11) for a practical plan to promote peace. The prize was $100,000, $50,000 to be paid on selection, $50,000 to be paid when a referendum in the U. S. shows sufficient popular support. Dr. Charles H. Levermore of Brooklyn, ex-president of Adelphi College, won the prize, received $50,000, but is still waiting for the second instalment.

Filene Prize. Early in the year Edward A. Filene, Boston merchant prince, offered a series of prizes amounting to $50,000 for the best peace plans submitted in Great Brit-ain, France, Germany and Italy.

*Previously he was “Lord Robert Cecil,” the complimentary title betokening a marquisal ancestry.

†The Nobel Prizes are for Peace, Literature, Medicine, Physics, and Chemistry. The awards are made on Dec. 10, anniversary of the death of Alfred B. Nobel who bequeathed a vast fortune (the interest on the original capital was about $9,200,000) to endow five prizes. The value of the prizes is about $35,000 each; much of the money is absorbed by taxation and the upkeep of Nobel Institutes.

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