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Foreign News: Rosita’s Return

1 minute read

Rosita Forbes, attractive English lady-explorer, returned to London from her latest exploit— a visit to the brigand of Morocco, Raisuli. She stayed for eleven days in the bandit Chief’s mountain stronghold in themidst of his ménage consisting of two wives, nine daughters, three sons, three score slaves. Mrs. Forbes said that Raisuli claimed a pedigree extending back to Noah and that he had a surprising knowledge of European affairs. She described him as ” a heavy man of 52, with a henna beard.” She also reported that he was friendly to Spain, but that he believed ” that if Morocco is ever conquered by the Spaniards it would be by their doctors and their hospitals.” Joan Rosita Forbes (nee Torr), 30, married in 1911 Col. Ronald Forbes, whom she divorced in 1917. She has visited most of the far corners of the earth— China, Syria, the Sudan, Libya (disguised as a Bedouin woman), Eritrea. She has published several accounts of her travels, has written many articles on Middle Eastern politics for leading British dailies and weeklies.

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