• U.S.

THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS: Notes, Sep. 24, 1923

1 minute read

At the Fourth General Assembly of the League of Nations:

A report on the League control of Austria was read and carried. It showed that taxation exceeded estimates and that savings banks deposits had increased 500% since the early part of the present year when the League adopted Austria as its ward.

It was reported that Hungary is to get a 500,000,000 gold franc loan ($100,000,000), which will be controlled by the Reparations Commission with a League Commissioner acting in an advisory capacity.

Debate on the Treaty of Mutual Assistance,* designed to facilitate the application of Article X † and thereby remove the objections of the U.S. to entering the League, was begun.

Resolutions calling upon the nations to adopt women police forces in order to stamp out white slave traffic were adopted.

Unofficial opinion at the League favors aid to Germany in reconstructing her finances. Such aid would be given to Germany on the same plan as the one by which the League helped Austria, that is, an international loan guaranteed by the League with national finances placed under the League aegis.

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