• U.S.

Art: Greatest Buyers

1 minute read

Citizens of Aurora, 111., obtained from the Grand Central Galleries, Manhattan, a carload of 215 paintings and bronzes, and exhibited them for nine days at the Central States Exposition in Aurora. From other cities came other pictures and bronzes —enough to fill ten galleries in the art buildings of the Fair Ground. Manager Erwin S. Barrie of the Grand Central Galleries accompanied his shipment to Aurora. When he had sold 20 paintings and sculptures he declared the fair ” an artistic camp meeting.” Said he: ” Aurora buys more paintings per capita than any other city in the U. S. . . . The people of Aurora believe that art is a big asset and drawing card to the fair, held there annually. This year they came as far east as New York with an offer to bring them the best art works possible. . . . They backed up their enthusiasm by sending a liberal check to cover the cost of the project.” Pieces in Mr. Barrie’s shipment were by John F. Carlson, George Elmer Browne, John Gregory, Charles H. Davis, Frederick Ballard Williams, Harriett W. Frishmuth, Hobart Nichols, Edith B. Parsons, Edward McCartan, Mario Korbell. The total art sales of the fair were about $70,000.

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