• U.S.

Sport: Chicago Open

1 minute read

For many seasons Johnny Farrell, New York professional golfer, has borne as modestly as possible, the title of best-dressed golfer in the profession. This year he has been acquiring other titles. Last week he acquired the Chicago Open title, principally by holing a 25-foot putt on the last hole of the last round. An unusual item of the play was a hole-in-one scored by Harry Cooper, Los Angeles. Such holes are almost unheard of in important tournament play, the ace of Jock Hutchison when he won the British Open in 1921 being the only one remembered by experts.

Mr. Farrell’s titles for the year, more than any golfer has ever ac-quired at once, include: Metropolitan Open, 256 strokes; Wheeling Open, 146 (36 holes); Shawnee Open, 279; Eastern Open, 286; Massachusetts Open, 285; Philadelphia Open, 292; Pennsylvania Open, 295; Chicago Open, 285.

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