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ITALY: Mussolini Code

1 minute read

Pomposity. With the pomposity of an early Roman Emperor, Premier Benito Mussolini last week published the full draft of proposed new Italian criminal laws, designed to give him jurisdiction the world over, empowering him to prosecute and punish Italians and foreigners alike.

Provisions. In general the proposed laws provide penalties for foreigners (Italians naturalized in other lands are considered as for-eigners) and Italians who violate their provisions outside of Italy. For example, a person who commits a crime against the “personality” of the state, or counterfeits the seal of state, or falsifies Italian currency, or who “offends” on foreign territory the rights or polit-ical interests of Italy or of an Italian subject, is amenable to the statutes. Moreover, any foreigner tried and acquitted, or convicted and sentenced in the country in which the crime was committed may be retried and acquitted or convicted by the Italian courts.

Significance. Such a criminal code, if enforced, most probably is to be construed as an attempt to silence unfavorable criticism abroad of Fascist methods; for Signor Mussolini could well try foreigners in their absence.

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