• U.S.

Sport: Industrial Track & Field

1 minute read

In Philadelphia one B. Porinossnick, representative of the New York Stock Exchange, arrayed in running trousers, dashed a mile in the Municipal Stadium, leading by ten yards Mr. Grinley of the Otis Elevator Company. A few moments later the crowd roared the name of V. Biesiakiewicz, roadman for Wanamaker’s as he romped over the 220-yard hurdles in 0:27 flat. Smith, an elevator man, won the broad jump as he had been expected to, with Biesiakiewicz third; the Brooklyn Edison Company took the medley race; one R. Jeha of the Reliance Insurance Company upset all predictions by jumping higher than anybody else. To John Wanamaker’s a point score of 69; Pennsylvania Railroad was second with 52; then came Prudential Life, Otis Elevator, New York Stock Exchange. Reliance, Consolidated Gas, Jus Ryte Dental, all perspiring and honorable contenders in the first national industrial track and field games.

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