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Up the Finsteraarhorn, 14,026 ft., the highest mountain in the Bernese Alps. Down to the famed Jungfrau Joch Hotel. Up the Schreckhorn, 13,386 ft. Down to Grindelwald. FOOD. A steak as thick as the climber’s thong-bound wrist. Such was the Alpine exploit performed in one day last week by Prince Chichibu, second son of the Mikado of Japan, first Alpinist to scale either the Finsteraarhorn or the Schreckhorn this year.

The Prince, refreshed after a protracted sleep, received news-gatherers, modestly ascribed the success of his exploit to his principal companion, famed Japanese Alpinist Yukomacki.

Having scaled the Wetterhorn (12,149 ft.) a fortnight ago (TIME, Aug. 30), His Royal Highness declared last week that he would next clamber up the Matterhorn (14,661 ft.).

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