• U.S.

Business: Liggett’s

2 minute read

A great many people in the U. S. know Liggett’s Drug Store. Enticing the eye (as any good drug store should) with its walls of water-clear glass, its ranked bottles of yellow and orange and blue, its showcases piled with new brushes, sponges, utensils of vanity, the mingled sight of prophylactics, vanilla ice cream sodas, popular face powders, this Liggett’s establishment is repeated in dozens of U. S. cities, always neat, always glittering, always the same.

There is only one Liggett’s, but it is iterated 300 times in the U. S., 40 times in Canada, 700 times in England.* Recently the Liggett Co. began a campaign of extension on the Pacific Coast. In Los Angeles it bought four stores of the Kress Drug Co.; in Oakland five of the Bowman Co.; in Glendale another thriving shop. In Seattle it began to negotiate for the ten Bartel drug stores; in Tacoma for three stores of the French Drug Co. Last week it completed the largest of its late amalgamations by purchasing (for $500,000 cash) eight stores of the Stout-Lyons Drug Co. Portland, Ore., will be the headquarters of a further string of stores, which the Company expects to acquire in every important city on the Pacific Coast.

*Under the name of Boots Pure Drug Co., Ltd.

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