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GERMANY: Air Developments

1 minute read

Last week Berliners were treated to a trinational air flurry:

Japanese. After a journey of 56 flying hours, a group of Japanese airmen arrived in Berlin from Tokyo, via Siberia, and were met in the clouds above the German capital by the Japanese Ambassador.

Norwegian. Roald Amundsen arrived from Oslo on his way to Italy, where he will negotiate for an Italian dirigible to take him to the pole next spring. “Pemmican, nuts, rolled oats, milk powder and chocolate will be our chief food supplies,” he told Berliners.

German. Dr. Hugo Eckener, famed Zeppelin expert, failed miserably in an attempt to take up a collection among patriotic Germans for the purpose of building a Zeppelin and beating Amundsen to the pole. The Shenandoah disaster (TIME, Sept. 14, AERONAUTICS) is said to have made many a German leery of the Zeppelin type of aircraft.

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