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Foreign News: A Wow

2 minute read

COMMONWEALTH (British Commonwealth of NationsQ)

The guns of the Argentine Fleet fairly embellished the air with a bombardment of noise as the British cruiser Curlew slipped into port at Buenos Aires. A natty little figure in the uniform of the Welsh Guards went ashore and the populace shouted, “Hurrah for the Prince of Wales!” in Spanish.

President de’Alvear and the Cabinet met him. They drove up the Calle Florida in a state carriage to Government House with every loophole and cranny crammed with huzzahing populace, with every now and then the raucous voice of some exiled Britisher rising above the general din, augmented by the racket of airplanes overhead.

After a brief reception the Prince drove on down the Avenida de Mayo crowded with people for more than a mile while flowers rained on his carriage as he passed. At last he was safely ensconced in his official residence, Basualdo Palace.

Next morning he was met by President DAlvear and whisked away in an official automobile to the naval school, while crowds skipped away from under the car’s wheels as it bore down upon them. The official party boarded the yacht Adhara and steamed through the traffic of the port, while for 30 minutes every vessel in the harbor screamed its siren in delight. A landing was made at La Blanco, Frigorifico, a great “meat factory.”

The Prince, on subsequent days dined with President Alvear, attended a gala banquet, went to a reception at the Naval Club, visited the Agricultural Show, graced hospital functions without number, mid cheering delighted Argentinians.

The tailoring business of Argentine was given a great boost by the Prince’s visit. One large establishment reported the delivery of 200 dress suits, and 500 morning coats in a single week.

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