• U.S.

Foreign News Notes, Sep. 29, 1924

1 minute read

Herr Doktor Jung, Germany’s delegate to the League of Nations’ White Slave Congress at Graz, Austria, charged that French authorities in occupiedGermany had forced German municipalities to place German women and girls at the disposal of French troops for immoral purposes. Said Dr. Jung: “What other nation is in the frightful position that it is forced into prostituting its own womanhood at the behest of a foreign Power? The behavior of the occupation authorities is an outrage on civilization.”

When the speech was translated, French and Belgian delegates turned white with anger, denied the charges, said that only registered prostitutes had been used in military brothels and then only with the approval of German municipal physicians.

The search for concealed arms, undertaken some time ago by the Allied Military Control Mission, has admittedly become a farce. Everywhere the Allied inspectors have been received with studied politeness. Nowhere have they been able to find any trace of concealed arms or munitions. The Mission is satisfied that Germany is not prepared for war, that she has not materially contravened the armament clause of the Versailles Treaty.

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