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GERMANY: Die Kaiserliche Familie

2 minute read

¶ Wilhelm II, once Emperor of Germany, turned over a new leaf. Instead of scorning the plebs,he decided to greet them paternally. Old men and boys, old ladies and girls, even squalling infants, he now salutes with a brisk “good morning” as he parades his kingdom in Doorn. “Occasionally he shakes hands, often he distributes signed portraits of himself.” Boxes of cigars and cigarettes are distributed and money is given to deserving causes. “Bill” was believed to be making a bid for popularity.

¶Kaiserin Hermine, taking the baths at Baden-Baden, succeeded in

shocking the aristocracy. Instead of commanding the presence of Joseph Schwartz, famed baritone, she went to his home and listened to soft music and beautiful singing. As if this were not bad enough, she interestedherself in the plays of Socialist Gerhart Hauptmann and Communist Ernst Toller. ¶ Recently, vainglorious Wilhelm II had two portraits painted. In one, he was dressed as a general; in the other, as an Arctic explorer. The story (probably false) said that even the respectful and faithful servants of His ex-Majesty were convulsed with laughter every time they looked at the latter’s portrait. ¶ The German veterans of the Weli-krug invited the ex-Crown Prince to a meeting. Replied he in declining: “Do not trust the future; do not believe in promises; do not complain about what is lost, do not think about what is broken.”

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