Sport: Stowed

1 minute read

While beaten English golfers were stowing their clubs at Garden City and beaten English poloists were stowing their mallets at Meadow Brook, victorious English sailors stowed their canvas at Oyster Bay, L. I. In the final International 6-Metre Yacht Races, U. S. boats had brought the point to tals to: U. S., 11 1/4; England, 104 1/4; However, there had ‘been a foul. The English protested. The U. S. bowed. Another race was sailed. England won handily. Points : England, 108 1/4 ; U. S., 107. Having won last year on the Solent, the English were entitled to permanent possession of the Challenge Cup. Lady Baird of the invaders donated a 200-year-old silver tankard for future races.

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