• U.S.

Law: Levy Mayer’s Estate

1 minute read

Those starting on careers in the law will not be discouraged by information revealed by the appraisal of the estate of Levy Mayer of Chicago, who died in August, 1922. Taxes will be paid on a total of $8,499,097, and that sum was accumulated by the corporation lawyer from fees and investments of savings.

Mr. Mayer was counsel for the ” Big Four” packers, for most of the leading distillers and liquor dealers, for some theatrical managers. Although a lawyer of scholarly attainments, he was noted chiefly for his capacity as an organizer and his ability as a business adviser. His estate is more than double that of the late John B. Stanchfield of New York, but his interest in the partnership of Mayer, Meyer, Austrian and Platt was realized at only $38,000.

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