• U.S.

THE CABINET: Andrew Mellon Returns

1 minute read

Mr. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury, was the last of the Harding Cabinet to appear in Washington to report to the new President. He had been abroad “for pleasure,” but incidentally had picked up a bit of information. On reaching Washington the Secretary went into a long conference with President Coolidge. It was announced that Mr. Mellon would remain in the Cabinet.

Mr. Mellon came back with the information that the Ruhr occupation was a great depressant on the economic situation of Europe, that France gained nothing by it, that it might result in the breaking up of the German Republic into several petty states, that the mark would probably never return to par (but might be stabilized), that France seemed prosperous. The Secretary doubtless had more valuable and detailed information for the President, but it was not for the ears of press or public.

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