• U.S.

What Rockefeller Bought

1 minute read

The transfer tax report recently issued for the estate of the late William Rockefeller, brother of John D. Rockefeller, showed a gross amount of $102,584,438, against which were $30,402,247 of debts, and additional minor expenses, leaving a net amount of $67,647,660.

The assets of the estate included securities worth $73,009,103, mortgages and notes $24,791,801, real estate $2,941,550, personal property $405,062 and bank balances of $70,287. Mr. Rockefeller’s stocks included shares of Standard Oil subsidiaries worth about $3,000,000; also 55,686 shares of St. Paul preferred; 28,517 shares Inspiration Copper; 5,000 Lackawanna Railroad; 39,300 Midvale Steel; 17,300 U. S. Industrial Alcohol; 15,300 Union Pacific; 2,330 Glen Alden Coal; 8,400 New York Central; shares in the Farmers Loan & Trust Co., Guaranty Trust, Hanover National, Mechanics and Metals National, and National City Banks; as well as many minor securities.

Mr. Rockefeller’s bond investments totaled over $44,000,000, and included $6,200,000 of Liberties, $5,000,000 Federal Land Banks, $1,544,000 Joint Stock Land Banks, $8,430,000 New York City bonds and $20,952,000 New York State bonds —or over $42,000,000 in tax exempt issues.

To the public the interesting feature of Mr. Rockefeller’s holdings is the comparative absence of taxable railroad, utility or industrial bonds.

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