Pop Chart

5 minute read
Kayla Webley; Feifei Sun; Nick Carbone; Dan Macsai; Amy Friedman



Oprah + 50 Cent

Reconciled after a six-year feud he started by dismissing her fan base as “older white women”

Drake + Chris Brown

Reportedly brawled over mutual ex Rihanna at a New York City nightclub






Say .Anything

Dotcom is so .yesterday. As of right now, the Internet overlords are granting custom domain extensions to anyone willing to pay a $185,000 application fee–and nearly 2,000 requests have already been filed. Hands off .pop, though. We’ve totally got dibs.


‘You and I switched bodies. And then fell in love.’

LENA DUNHAM, creator, writer, director and star of HBO’s Girls, describing the plot of a Freaky Friday–style play she once wrote about Jimmy Fallon, on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. “You’re awesome,” he responded, giggling.



He might be the world’s most famous drag queen, but RuPaul knows he’s not the queen of drag. “That’s Cher,” he says. “She’s the queen of all drag of all time!” Here, the 51-year-old TV host–whose makeover show, Drag U, airs Mondays on Logo–serves Pop Chart interview realness.


Just to be clear: the goal of Drag U is not to make women look like drag queens, right?

No, the goal is to have fun with drag! And to help women get in touch with their superhero spirit animals.

Superhero spirit animals?

Yeah, everybody’s got one. A lot of times, if women have a family, they put themselves second or third or fourth. They become like Clark Kent. And we help them find their inner Superman.

Your main TV show, Drag Race, is built around finding new drag talent. But it’s a niche industry. Do you ever worry you’ll exhaust America’s supply of queens?

Good question. We’re looking for showgirls, not some Tom, Dick or Harry who happens to have a pussycat wig and a pair of cha-cha heels!

Ha, of course not.

But hopefully we are inspiring a new crop of queens. The truth is, we’re all in drag. We’re all playing dress-up. Even if you work on Wall Street or at McDonald’s, you’re putting on a persona.

You once staged an impromptu press conference to announce that you are not Ron Paul and you are not running for President. Do people often confuse you two?

[Laughs.] Even in ’08, people were doctoring his campaign signs to make them say RuPaul. But not so much anymore!



Beasts of the Southern Wild

Living in the soggy Louisiana delta with her ailing father, Hushpuppy (the astonishing Quvenzhan Wallis, left) is 6–and ageless. Her pets and her lost mother talk to this wise, wild child in a wonder of a movie that speaks in eloquent images. Benh Zeitlin’s Sundance award-winning directorial debut, out June 27, is a work of cinematic imagination as vast and verdant as Hushpuppy’s.



Call Us, Maybe?

These days, you’re nobody until you’ve been caught on camera belting Carly Rae Jepsen’s smash hit “Call Me Maybe.” Here, we rate some high-profile performances.

HOT ;)

President Obama

Has said every word in the song at some point; an ingenious YouTuber spliced ’em all together

Colin Powell

Unleashed a few bars on CBS This Morning

“Hey, I just met you!”

Joan Rivers

Danced around in a fur coat to promote her show Fashion Police

Donald Trump

Had a brief cameo in a Miss USA contestant lip-sync

“And this is crazy!”

James Franco

Half-assed his performance in a car and couldn’t hold the camera steady

NOT :(


Cut the Chains

Memo to Adidas: slavery is not an aesthetic. So fumed thousands of consumers after the retailer debuted a pair of “Handcuff” sneakers with faux orange shackles. They were pulled from production, though perhaps they’ll find a second home in the world’s most funky-fresh prison?


$45 million

Amount Gisele Bndchen earned during the past year, making her the world’s highest-paid supermodel–an honor she’s held since 2006


Herms’s latest design inspiration: Polaroid pictures–specifically, the light-through-prisms work of Japanese photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto. Thanks to a recent collaboration, the French fashion house, which is best known for detailed, geometric prints, is now featuring his patterns in a new line of $9,000 scarves.


1. Getting what you want, what you really, really want.

TV execs reportedly want to make a 90-minute Spice Girls biopic that is pegged to the pop group’s new musical, Viva Forever.

2. Wasting your Draw Something skills on friends and acquaintances.

CBS acquired the rights to a TV game show in which contestants play the popular iPhone game with celebrities–for cash prizes!

3. Bieber fever cooling off.

Scientists at the University of Ottawa found that obsessing over the 18-year-old pop star is even more contagious than the measles, one of the world’s fastest-spreading diseases.

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