
2 minute read


Middle East Politics

Richard Stengel’s portrait of Benjamin Netanyahu is thought-provoking [“Bibi’s Choice,” May 28]. Yet since one of Netanyahu’s basic principles is to trust no one to speak truthfully, can we trust his word?

Carole C. Burnett, SILVER SPRING, MD.

The underlying premise of Stengel’s piece is fatally flawed. If the Iranian regime continues pursuit of nuclear weapons, there will be war; if the Palestinians discontinue adamant rejection of any Middle Eastern sovereign Jewish state, there will be peace. There is very little that “King Bibi” can do to affect either move.

Richard D. Wilkins, SYRACUSE, N.Y.

Netanyahu has said he is ready to start negotiations without any preconditions. But the Palestinians refuse. It is obvious they hope to achieve their objectives without having to make any concessions.

Dr. Jacob Amir, JERUSALEM

Parenting Debate

Your recent cover article on attachment parenting has provoked much discussion about breast-feeding [May 21]. Anthropological surveys across many cultures indicate that the mean age at weaning in our species is 2.5 to 3 years. The evolutionary explanation for this long nursing period is clear. Our unusually large brains require large amounts of omega-3 fats, and breast milk concentrates these fats from mothers’ bodily resources. Unfortunately, the omega-6-laden American diet, based on corn and soybean oil and animals fed on these crops, deprives infants and children of the omega-3 fats needed for healthy brain development. Thus early weaning and bad diets are delivering a one-two punch to American kids.

Steven J.C. Gaulin, Professor of Anthropology, University of California at Santa Barbara, and Dr. William D. Lassek, Former Assistant Surgeon General

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