• U.S.

Uruguay: And Then There Was One

1 minute read

After six weeks of intramural argument, Uruguay’s nine-man National Council of Government finally decided to go along with the OAS ruling on Cuba. By a vote of six yeas (with three abstentions), the Council last week broke all economic and diplomatic relations with Fidel Castro’s Communist dictatorship. The abstainers held that Uruguay’s traditional position of nonintervention should be maintained. The other councilmen felt that the OAS decision had to be honored as part of Uruguay’s treaty obligations. In Montevideo, a crowd of 2,000 pro-Castroites started to stage a rock-tossing demonstration; the cops promptly hauled out tear gas and fire hoses, and the mob retreated to the university, where it holed up for two days.

Mexico now stands alone as the only Latin American nation willing to engage in even the most pro forma dealings with Castro.

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