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Cuba: The Double-Secret Plot

2 minute read

Out of Cuba last week came news of a daring plot to overthrow Fidel Castro’s Communist regime. Though Castro himself said nothing and his captive press kept it quiet, Cuban censors let pass an Associated Press report from Havana giving some details of the plot and the fate of the plotters. Miami’s Cuban exiles confirmed the story; so did refugees newly arrived from Castro’s fortress island and the chief of an inside-Cuba underground organization who was briefly in the U.S. A major revolt was indeed planned for late last month—and was discovered by Castro’s agents.

The rebels intended to kill Castro and other members of the Communist hierarchy, then follow up with sabotage and uprisings that would engulf Cuba in turmoil. Behind the plot was a reorganized Cuban underground, including a new group consisting largely of Cuban military men fed up with Castro. The plotters reportedly had backing in the Cuban army, the navy, even the militia. But they paid dearly for their plans.

One refugee arriving in Miami last week brought news that 70 navy officers and men had been arrested after Castro’s G-2 uncovered the plot. All told, more than 300 suspects were rounded up. After secret trials, 75 of the plotters were executed by firing squads at La Cabana fortress overlooking the entrance to Havana Bay; 27 were sentenced to from two to 30 years in prison. Last week Havana radio, still silent about the major plot, announced five arrests—the grand master of Cuba’s Masonic Lodge and four other Masons, who were charged with being “directly linked to the CIA.”

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