• U.S.

SEQUELS: A Rap for Frank

1 minute read

Last January “Handsome Frank” Brewster, longtime king of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters’ fearsome West Coast goon squads, refused to answer the questions of the Senate Permanent Investigations Subcommittee on the grounds that it was exceeding its authority. Cited for contempt of Congress, the Teamsters’ Vice President Brewster, goon companion of Teamster Boss Dave Beck, claimed that he had purged himself by later appearing before the special McClellan committee and telling how he had used Teamsters’ money to finance, among other things, his racing stables. Despite this plea, made before a federal judge in Washington, Handsome Frank was convicted (TIME, July 8), and last week he got the maximum penalty for contempt of Congress: a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.

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