• U.S.

SOUTH AFRICA: Mr. Wilter & the Lost Galoshes

1 minute read

For months now Mr. Wilter, catering manager of the South African Railways, has searched in vain for Queen Elizabeth’s galoshes. The Queen’s dresser was absolutely sure she had put them in the record compartment of the royal radio gramophone. On the royal tour of South Africa the gramophone stood in the Queen’s lounge on the train.

One day the Queen, unknown to her dresser, ordered the gramophone removed because it took up too much space. Two days later rain threatened, and no galoshes were to be found. Wild with worry, the royal dresser approached Mr. Wilter. Mr. Wilter took steps. Radios hummed and telephone lines crackled across the veld. In time the royal family reached the end of their tour and returned to London.

No galoshes were ever found, but Mr. Wilter never ceased to hope. Recently he got a letter from the Queen’s dresser in Buckingham Palace. “The galoshes,” she wrote, “were sitting in the cupboard here in the Palace when I returned. I am sorry to have put you to all that trouble. Do forgive me.”

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