• U.S.


1 minute read

U.S. railroads have taken many a slap from the airlines, and turned the other cheek. Last week at least one road had heard enough of the airline slogan “It’s Cheaper by Air.”

Said Southern Pacific in newspaper ads: “The airlines compare their fares with railroad fares and come to the conclusion that air travel is cheaper. … In comparing fares [they] always add in the cost of a Pullman lower berth. A comparison of a seat in a plane and a berth on the train is the same as comparing a chair with a bed.. . .

“The airlines forget to add bus fares to & from airports (and bus travel time as well). Also they overlook their limited baggage allowances. … We accept the fact that airplanes have one primary advantage—speed. But we think trains have a lot of advantages too, including economy and plenty of room to move around.”

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