
2 minute read

‘It has been a really tough weekend.’

1. HAROLD CAMPING, doomsday prophet, two days after the Rapture failed to occur on Saturday, May 21

‘There’s a little bit of a Nazi in all of us, and there’s a little bit of a human being in Hitler, and I think to think otherwise is dangerous.’

2. LARS VON TRIER, Danish film director, after he was banned from the Cannes Film Festival for calling himself a Nazi. Von Trier later said his comments were “ambiguous and needlessly hurtful”

‘It tastes so much better here than it does in the States.’

3. PRESIDENT OBAMA, drinking a pint of Guinness during a state visit to Ireland

‘Consumers tend to be pretty forgiving, particularly when they can get stuff cheap.’

4. ZEUS KERRAVALA, a tech analyst, on whether there would be a backlash from customers unable to download Lady Gaga’s Born This Way because was swamped by requests. The online retailer offered the pop star’s new album for 99¢

‘I love my country. I love my family more.’

5. MITCH DANIELS, the Republican governor of Indiana, announcing he would not run for President


Amount (about $131,000) earned at auction for the “toilet seat” hat worn by Princess Beatrice at the April 29 royal wedding; the proceeds will go to charity

145 °F

Temperature (63°C) to which pork and other whole cuts of meat should be cooked, according to a new USDA guideline, changing a decades-old recommendation that pork be cooked to 160°F (71°C)


Cost to Sony of the disabling of its PlayStation Network, which was down for nearly a month after being hacked multiple times


Estimated number of inmates who will be released or transferred from California prisons over the next two years. On May 23, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ordering the state to alleviate overcrowding

Sources: San Francisco Chronicle; AP (2); Indianapolis Star

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