Morning Must Reads: May 14

2 minute read

  • “Thousands of Vietnamese set fire to foreign factories and rampaged in industrial zones in the south of the country in an angry reaction to Chinese oil drilling in a part of the South China Sea claimed by Vietnam.” [Reuters]
  • Officials dash hopes of survival after mine fire kills 232 in Turkey [CNN]
    • 2 killed at West Virginia coal mine [AP]
  • “The two-month swoon in technology stocks has given investors flashbacks to the dot-com meltdown. But at least one harbinger of trouble is absent today: tech firms in danger of collapse.” [WSJ]
  • The U.S. Military: Sidelined by a Fatigued Nation [TIME]
  • Inside the Obama Administration Fight Over the Drone Memo [TIME]
  • “The National Security Agency might be tracking your phone calls. But private industry is prying far more deeply into your life.” [Politico]
  • Girding for a Fight, McConnell Enlists His Wife [NYT]
  • Eric Cantor’s Tea Party opponent may be picking up momentum [WashPost]
  • “Karl Rove reportedly hinted that Hillary Clinton may have brain damage from a fall—then quickly backed away. His history suggests it’s a calculated maneuver.” [Atlantic]
    • No, Hillary Clinton Isn’t ‘Soft’ on Terrorism [TIME]
  • The 9/11 Story Told at Bedrock, Powerful as a Punch to the Gut [NYT]
  • 2 killed at West Virginia coal mine [AP]
  • No, Hillary Clinton Isn’t ‘Soft’ on Terrorism [TIME]
  • More Must-Reads from TIME

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