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Arizona Gov Promises She’ll ‘Do the Right Thing’ on Bill Seen as Anti-Gay

1 minute read

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer promised late Monday to “do the right thing for the state of Arizona” as she weighs whether or not to veto legislation that would allow businesses to refuse service to gays based on the proprietor’s religious beliefs.

“I have a history of deliberating and having open dialogue on bills that are controversial,” Brewer said on CNN. “I don’t rely a whole lot on my gut.”

Brewer is under intense pressure to veto the bill, known as SB 1062, with critics saying it will sanction discrimination against gays. Republicans who supported the measure are also getting cold feet, raising concerns that the legislation is harming Arizona’s image. A competing governor said Monday that Arizona should not be allowed to host the 2015 Super Bowl if the legislation is enacted.

Brewer has until Friday to sign or veto the bill, which passed the legislature last week.

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