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Clothing Brand Apologizes for Mother’s Day Ad of a Woman Poking Holes in Condoms

1 minute read

Spanish clothing company Desigual is catching flak for releasing a TV ad featuring a woman hoping to get pregnant by poking holes in her condoms, pegged to Mother’s Day in Spain, which was on May 4.

In the original version of the spot, a woman stands in front of a mirror and stuffs a cushion up her dress to admire her would-be pregnant stomach, then coyly plays with a pin before poking it through a green pack of condoms:

A copy uploaded by YouTube user jotaTVQ has started going viral, racking up more than 1.7 million views by late afternoon Tuesday.

The campaign has caused outrage on the Internet, with some calling it “wildly offensive” and others pointing out that it endorses dishonest and dangerous behavior.

In an updated blog post in Spanish, Desigual apologized for offending viewers, and stated that its intention was to produce a humorous spot. It has released another version with the controversial pin-pricking edited out.

Spain is currently poised to vote on a strict abortion ban, except in instances of rape or a threat to the health of the mother. Pro-choice activists even set up a fake pop-up “abortion travel agency” in Madrid last month.

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Write to Olivia B. Waxman at olivia.waxman@time.com