Fox is developing an event series based on the bestselling book Long Mile Home, in which Boston Globe reporters Scott Helman and Jenna Russell chronicle the stories of five people who were in some way affected by the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013, Deadline reports.
Helman and Russell were among the members of the Globe‘s team that won a Pulitzer Prize for their coverage of the bombing and its aftermath. They will act as consultants for the four-hour series.
Fox has signed Rod Lurie, a producer and former investigative crime journalist, to write and direct the series. According to Deadline, he visited Boston before the 2014 marathon and went to the apartment where the bombers lived. There he found a note thumbtacked to the door that read: “Nobody in the building has anything to say to journalists/reporters. Please go away.”
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Write to Eliana Dockterman at eliana.dockterman@time.com