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Shirtless Man Asks Out Reporter During Live Wildfire Coverage

1 minute read

While covering a massive wildfire east of Los Angeles Wednesday, a KTLA reporter attempted to interview a pedestrian by asking if he lived in the area.

“Yeah. Wow, you’re super pretty,” he responded. “You wanna go on a date sometime?”

The reporter calmly informed him that he was on live TV and asked him what he thought of the fire. This man, who, it should be noted, was not wearing a shirt, responded that the fire was “pretty cool.”

Residents of more than 1,600 homes were forced to evacuate as a result of the fire, so most people wouldn’t agree that this “pretty cool.” The only “cool” part of this situation was the reporter, who calmly dodged the man’s inappropriate question to continue doing her job.

(h/t Gawker)

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