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Famous R-Rated Movie Scenes Illustrated in the Style of Pixar

1 minute read

Parents who are tired of sitting through kids movies may find refuge in a parody children’s book illustrating famous scenes from R-rated films.

Movies R Fun!: A Collection of Cinematic Classics for the Pre-(Film) School Cinephile by Josh Cooley, a story supervisor at Pixar Animation Studios, features Alien, Rosemary’s Baby, The Silence of the Lambs, and The Shining. But based on the examples below, these images are still pretty scary, so showing them to children may induce nightmares:

Pulp Fiction:

Chronicle Books

The Godfather:

Chronicle Books

The Big Lebowski:

Chronicle Books

The hardcover is expected to come out February 25, and Gallery 1988, an art gallery for pop culture-themed works, is selling prints of the illustrations online.

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Write to Olivia B. Waxman at olivia.waxman@time.com