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These 20 Cities Spend The Most on Pets

1 minute read

Amazon has unveiled a list of the top 20 U.S. cities where residents pamper their pets the most. The ranking is “based on 2013 sales of pet-related items: everything from dog toys to cat grooming items to bird treats,” according to an Amazon news release.

1. Miami
2. Seattle
3. Atlanta
4. San Francisco
5. Portland, Ore.
6. Washington, D.C.
7. Las Vegas
8. Austin, Texas
9. Tucson, Ariz.
10. San Diego
11. Sacramento, Calif.
12. Raleigh, N.C.
13. Denver
14. Colorado Springs, Colo.
15. Baltimore
16. San Jose, Calif.
17. Albuquerque, N.M.
18. Chicago
19. Omaha, Neb.
20. Virginia Beach, Va.

Miami residents bought the most apparel and accessories, grooming products and health supplies, while Seattle residents bought the most pet treats. San Jose, California, boasted the most sales of horse-related products.

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Write to Olivia B. Waxman at olivia.waxman@time.com