Living Life as Brothers: Photographing Triplets with Autism

3 minute read

For the last two years, Spanish photographer José Antonio de Lamadrid has quietly documented the daily lives of the Morillo Aguilar triplets; three 18-year-old boys at various stages on the autism spectrum. The Morillo Aguilar boys, Álvaro, Jaime and Alejandro, will likely never live independently, and rely on one another to navigate the world around them.

Lamadrid, whose own nephew is autistic, met the Morillo Aguilar triples through his volunteer work at Autismo Sevilla, a non-profit that offers support for parents of autistic children. “I thought that by taking pictures of these three, it would help people understand more about the illness,” says Lamadrid. “Although they are dependent on their family, it is possible for them to live normal and happy lives.”

It’s estimated that autism affects over 2 million Americans and tens of millions worldwide. As with the three brothers, symptoms vary depending on where a person falls on the autism spectrum.

Since he has the most normal social abilities, Jamie is the spokesperson for the three boys, and has a startling intelligence for trivia. “If you give him a random date, like May 2, 2001, he can very quickly tell you if that was a Friday or Saturday,” says Lamadrid. “He is the voice of the children and will often represent the three.”

Alejandro speaks significantly less than Jamie, but has his own unique skill of putting together entire 1,000 piece puzzles in only a couple hours. Alvaro, who has significant brain damage hardly ever speaks, but he still enjoys watching movies with his brothers. Although the three boys arelegal adults now, Lamadrid says they have the mental state of three-year-olds.

Lamadrid says the three boys are some of his favorite–and most cooperative—subjects to photograph. Whether the boys are getting dressed for the day in matching outfits or riding the public bus through Sevilla, Lamadrid says they never questioned his constant trailing as he snapped pictures. “They allowed me to be in their life, and didn’t care about me or my camera,” he says. “They’re the subjects all photographers want to have in their life.”

The mother of the three boys, Noelia Aguilar, stuck out the most to Lamadrid during his work. “I was stunned by her,” says Lamadrid. “She is really trying to give them a normal life. Both parents are taking care of them on their own and they know when to push them and when to stop and listen.”

Through his photos of the triplets, Lamadrid hopes he will spur greater support from the Spanish government and autism organizations for families like the Morillo Aguilars. “I’ve learned that despite the condition, this family lives very positively,” says Lamadrid. “Every day is quite hard for them, but they go to bed happy.”

José Antonio de Lamadrid is a photographer based in Seville, Spain. He is represented by Bluephoto.

Alexandra Sifferlin is a writer and producer for TIME Healthland.

Jaime, Alejandro and Alvaro go to schools in their parents' car. When they were three years old they made the diagnosis of dismiss: not deaf, they have no genetic or neurological problems. "When you do not have any of these symptoms, you have autism.". Seville, Spain 2012. Jaime, Alejandro y Álvaro se dirigen a sus centros de estudios en el coche de sus padres. A los tres años les hacen el diagnóstico de los descartes: no son sordos; no tienen problemas neurológicos ni genéticos. "Cuando no tienen ninguno de esos síntomas, tienen autismo". Sevilla, España 2012.
The following photographs were made in Seville, Spain, 2012 - 2013. Jaime, Alejandro and Álvaro go to school in their parents' car.José Antonio de Lamadrid—Bluephoto
Jaime and Noelia, parents of triplets, prepare them to go out. Children affected by autism spectrum disorder can have a wide variety of symptoms including problems with communication and socialization skills. And makes them incapable of normal social relation ships. 2012 Seville, Spain Jaime y Noelia, padres de los trillizos, los preparan para salir a la calle. Los niños afectados por el trastorno del espectro autista pueden tener una amplia variedad de síntomas que incluyen problemas de comunicación y habilidades de socialización. Esto los convierte en seres incapaces de mantener relaciones sociales normales. Sevilla, España 2012.
Jaime and Noelia, parents of the triplets, prepare them to go out.José Antonio de Lamadrid—Bluephoto
Alejandro in school. Children affected by autism spectrum disorder can have a wide variety of symptoms including problems with communication and socialization skills. And makes them incapable of normal social relation ships. Seville, 2013 SpainAlejandro en la escuela. Los niños afectados por el trastorno del espectro autista pueden tener una amplia variedad de síntomas que incluyen problemas de comunicación y habilidades de socialización. Sevilla, España 2013
Alejandro in school.José Antonio de Lamadrid—Bluephoto
Alvaro protect himself from his brothers after taking away a crisp in a restaurant in the city. Sevilla, Spain 2012. Älvaro se defiende de sus hermanos después de haberle quitado una patata en un restaurante de la ciudad. Sevilla, España 2012.
Álvaro shields himself from his brothers after taking away a french fry in a restaurant in Seville.José Antonio de Lamadrid—Bluephoto
On Fridays they go to a recreation center with other children with autism. 2012 Seville, Spain Los viernes acuden a un centro recreativo con otros niños con autismo. Sevilla, España 2012
On Fridays, the triplets go to a recreation center with other children with autism.José Antonio de Lamadrid—Bluephoto
Alvaro does not like noise, cover his ears in a recreation center. Seville, 2012 Spain. A Álvaro no le gustan los ruidos y se tapa los oídos en un centro recreativo. Sevilla, España 2012.
Álvaro, who does not like noise, covers his ears in a recreation center.José Antonio de Lamadrid—Bluephoto
Every day, Jaime and Alejandro write their diary every day. Saturday October 13, 2012 (No class). Morning: Breakfast cereals, watched TV, played on the Nintendo, threw trash, vessels scrubbed the dishes and cutlery, clean the house, visit the grandparents and prepared lunch. At noon: I had chicken and chips and watched TV. In the afternoon : I ate Coconut Yogurt and played Nintendo, threw away, lay the clothes and prepared dinner. Evening: I showered at 19:00 h and had dinner barbecue. Seville, 2012 SpainTodos los días, Jaime y Alejandro escriben cada día su diario. Sábado 13 octubre 2012 (No hay clase). Por la mañana: Desayuné cereales, vi la tele, jugué a la Nintendo, tiré la basura, fregué los vasos los platos y los cubiertos, limpie la casa, visita de los abuelos y preparé el almuerzo. Al medio día: Comí pollo con patatas fritas y vi la tele. Por la tarde comí: Yogur de coco y jugué a la Nintendo, tiré la basura, tendí la ropa y preparé la cena. Por la noche: Me duché a la 19:00h y cené barbacoa. Sevilla, España 2012.
Jaime and Alejandro write in their diary every day.José Antonio de Lamadrid—Bluephoto
Jaime, father of triplets washes and shaves Alejandro, After he washed his others sons. After three years they made the diagnosis of dismiss: not deaf, they have no genetic or neurological problems. "When you do not have any of these symptoms, have autism. 2012 Seville, Spain. Jaime, padre de los trillizos lava y afeita a Alejandro, después de haber aseado a sus otros dos hijos. A los tres años les hacen el diagnóstico de los descartes: no son sordos; no tienen problemas neurológicos ni genéticos. "Cuando no tienen ninguno de esos síntomas, tienen autismo". Sevilla, España 2012.
Jaime, father of the triplets, washes and shaves Alejandro after helping bathe his other sons.José Antonio de Lamadrid—Bluephoto
The whole family go to a psychiatric hospital in Seville to collect the latest report of his illness. Seville, Spain 2012La familia al completo acuden a un  hospital de psiquiatría en Sevilla para recoger el último informe de su enfermedad. Sevilla, España 2012
The whole family goes to a psychiatric hospital in Seville to collect the latest report on the triplets' condition.José Antonio de Lamadrid—Bluephoto
Noelia and James, father of triplets, look at an X-ray of the mouth of Alvaro on the bus back home. Their parents Noelia and Jaime, tell us that after 12 months of age began to be noticeable differences with other children, not attending to calls and did not show things that appeal them or interest them, a plane in the sky, a barking dog, a sweet to eat. 2012. Sevsille, Spain Noelia y Jaime, padre de los trillizos miran una radiografía de la boca de Álvaro en el autobús de regreso a su casa. Sus padres Noelia y Jaime, nos cuentan que a partir de los 12 meses de edad empezaron a hacerse notables las diferencias con el resto de niños, no atendían a las llamadas y no señalaban cosas que les llaman la atención o les interesan,  un avión en el cielo, un perro ladrando, un dulce que quieren comer.Sevilla, España 2012
Noelia and Jaime, parents of triplets, look at an X-ray of Álvaro's mouth on the bus ride back home.José Antonio de Lamadrid—Bluephoto
Every Friday the family go to town library to collect movies. 2012 Seville, Spain. Toda la familia se pasa los viernes por una biblioteca de la ciudad para recoger películas de cine. Sevilla, España 2012
Every Friday, the family goes to the town library to check out movies.José Antonio de Lamadrid—Bluephoto
Noelia and Jaime have very few intimate moments, here are under the watchful eye of Alexander. Their parents Noelia and Jaime, tell us that after 12 months of age began to be noticeable differences with other children, not attending to calls and did not show things that appeal to them or interest them, a plane in the sky, a barking dog, a sweet to eat. After three years they made the diagnosis of discards: not deaf, they have no genetic or neurological problems. "When you do not have any of these symptoms, have autism.". 2012, Sevile, SpainNoelia y Jaime tienen pocos momentos de intimidad, aqui estan bajo la atenta mirada de Alejandro. Sus padres Noelia y Jaime, nos cuentan que a partir de los 12 meses de edad empezaron a hacerse notables las diferencias con el resto de niños, no atendían a las llamadas y no señalaban cosas que les llaman la atención o les interesan,  un avión en el cielo, un perro ladrando, un dulce que quieren comer. 2012 Seville, Spain.
Noelia and Jaime have very few intimate moments — here seen under the watchful eye of Alexander.José Antonio de Lamadrid—Bluephoto
Alvaro dress himself in the morning to go to school. 2012 Sevilla, Spain.Alvaro se viste por la mañana para ir al colegio. Sevilla, España 2012.
Álvaro dresses himself in the morning to go to school.José Antonio de Lamadrid—Bluephoto
Álvaro, always carries in his hands something that he calls inventions, figures created from clay or pieces as, combs, scissors for paper or something that he likes. 2012 Seville, Spain Álvaro, lleva siempre en sus manos algo que él mismo denomina 'inventos', figuras creadas a partir de plastilina o piezas como, peines, tijeras de papel o algo que le divierta. Sevilla, España 2012
Álvaro always carries in hand something that he calls "inventions," figures made from clay, or household objects such as combs, scissors or paper.José Antonio de Lamadrid—Bluephoto
Álvaro hide his face while his brothers hang up the washing. Seville, Spain 2012.Álvaro se tapa la cara mientras sus hermanos tiendes la ropa. Sevilla, España 2012.
Álvaro hides his face while his brothers hang up clothes to dry.José Antonio de Lamadrid—Bluephoto
Alexander looks himself in the mirror of a supermarket. 2012 Seville, Spain Alejandro se mira en el espejo de un supermercado. Sevilla, España 2012
Alexander looks at himself in the mirror at a supermarket.José Antonio de Lamadrid—Bluephoto
The three brothers leaving a party in their neighborhood, to reach their home. Children affected by autism spectrum disorder can have a wide variety of symptoms including problems with communication and socialization skills. And makes them incapable of normal social relation ships. 2012 Seville, Spain Los tres hermanos salen de una fiesta en su barrio, para dirigirse a su casa. Los niños afectados por el trastorno del espectro autista pueden tener una amplia variedad de síntomas que incluyen problemas de comunicación y habilidades de socialización. Esto los convierte en seres incapaces de mantener relaciones sociales normales. Sevilla, España 2012.
The three brothers leave a party in their neighborhood and head home.José Antonio de Lamadrid—Bluephoto

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