This App Will Quit Your Job For You

2 minute read

Quitting your job can be awkward and difficult, and not everybody has the resources to do it with a flashy viral video. But a new app is here to help, allowing you to break the news to your boss with a simple text message.

Say hello to the simply-titled Quit Your Job app, available now for iPhone. Designed by the same guy who brought us BreakUp Text, this app is meant to be tongue-in-cheek, of course, but could also be legitimately useful if your boss has a really great sense of humor.

Here’s the description:

Are you sick of paper pushing? Tired of cubicle kvetching? Ready to quit, but dreading those awkward parting words? Finally, an app that lets you terminate your employment with just a few taps.

Once you install the app and decide it’s quittin’ time, you’ll be prompted to select one of three reasons for resignation: I’m sick of the corporate world, I want to get rich, or I found a new job. After that, you sit back and let technology do what you were too scared to do in person.

The team behind BreakUp Text teamed with job-matching company TheLadders to produce this one — so after you send your resignation text, you’ll then be prompted to begin searching for a new position. And if you decide you hate that one too, you can just fire up the app and do it all over again.

(h/t Reuters)

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