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Here’s How You Can Hide Those Annoying TV Spoilers on Social Media

2 minute read

You know that panicky feeling you get when you log onto Twitter or Facebook when you’re an episode behind on one of your favorite TV shows? When you just know somebody is going to be a life ruiner by revealing a major Game of Thrones or Scandal plot point?

Well, thanks to this handy Google Chrome extension called Silencer, you can banish those spoilers from your Twitter and Facebook feeds. It’s simple: once you install it, you type in any keywords that you don’t want to see mentioned. So it’s great if you want to avoid any TV-related status updates, but really, it can be used for anything. Let’s say you don’t want to read any updates about your Facebook friends’ engagements. You can type in things like “engagement” and “He put a ring on it!” and “She said yes!” and “I get to marry my best friend!” so any status updates containing any of these phrases will vanish.

Silencer also offers “Mute Packs” for popular shows like True Blood and Orange Is the New Black so you can automatically filter out any terms related to those programs.

The extension only works for Twitter and Facebook, so you still have to watch out for spoilers on Instagram or Tumblr or, you know, real-life conversations. Luckily, though, you can always avoid those real-life spoilers by simply never talking to anyone, ever.

(h/t Wired)

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