Wacky Rumor of the Day: French News Sources Think Obama and Beyoncé Are Having an Affair

2 minute read

Ring the alarm! A French paparazzo is spreading the rumor that Barack Obama is having an affair with — wait for it — Beyoncé. Yes, that Beyoncé.

The photographer Pascal Rostain believes that the news of the high-profile affair will run in the Washington Post tomorrow. His comments were published by Le Figaro, a reputable French newspaper:

“You know, at this time, in the United States, there is something big that is happening. It’ll go out tomorrow in the Washington Post — we can say that it is not the gutter press — an alleged affair between President Barack Obama and Beyoncé.”

The Washington Post clarified to Poynter that they will be publishing no such report. Obviously.

So where did this rumor originate? Another quote from Rostain gives us a bit of insight:

“First, there are still or television images of the Obama couple becoming a little distant. It is legitimate to ask questions. We found the same thing, always through images, between [French President] Hollande and [his partner Valerie Trierweiler]. Afterwards, there was the rumor. Same for Obama and Beyonce, for example. Just because it’s a rumor doesn’t mean that one should not go in the field to check. We should not forget Marilyn [Monroe] or Monica Lewinsky.”

Right, sure, okay.

It’s worth noting that this rumor emerges the same week the French President Francois Hollande visits the White House; Hollande has spent the last several weeks embroiled in his own media frenzy surrounding his high-profile affair with French actress Julie Gayet.

Ever since that funeral selfie with Denmark Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, the world really seems to want to see discord between the Obamas — but unfortunately for the international paparazzi, my guess is that there will be some great show of cuteness in the West Wing for Valentine’s Day this week. I mean, just look at their Instagram:

As for Beyoncé and Jay-Z? I don’t think their flame is going out anytime soon.

Sorry, Hollande. You’re on your own.

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Write to Eliana Dockterman at eliana.dockterman@time.com