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James Franco Stars in SNL’s Beautiful Story of 2 Monster Pals

1 minute read

This pre-recorded short opens with a couple of buddies who just happen to be monsters — ugly, green, disfigured monsters. Some awful bully, played by Seth Rogen, makes them feel terrible about themselves, prompting one of them to undergo expensive plastic surgery so he can look like a normal human (the surgery goes pretty well, because he comes out looking like James Franco).

Mike O’Brien also stars as Franco’s fellow monster, who eventually gives in and gets the human-transformation surgery too. When the friends reunite afterward, Franco asks O’Brien why he chose that face. “It’s just a little bit cheaper,” he explains.

The tone of “Monster Pals” is reminiscent of the excellent “Sad Mouse” sketch from 2012, though the former is much lighter and funnier.

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