Woman Walks Man on Leash in Worst (Best?) Commute Ever

1 minute read

Photos of a woman walking a man on a leash in London’s Farringdon neighborhood around 8:30 a.m. is going viral. He’s in business attire, dress shirt and suit pants. There’s video on The Independent‘s website here. We’ll update if we learn what it’s promoting, but right now we’re guessing it’s either a stunt or a BDSM game.

Did we really just see this outside work? A woman walking a man like a dog on a lead in #Farringdon #London #bizarre pic.twitter.com/GS3TKJYAeR

— Ian Jeffery (@Ian_Jeffery) April 11, 2014

Good old London man on a dog lead #freaks pic.twitter.com/QmbClHjjzx

— chris white (@lilchrisxx) April 11, 2014

To be honest I am proud to live in a city sexually permissive enough that a man can go to work on a leash. Gotta love London

— Felicity Morse (@FelicityMorse) April 11, 2014

Taking a moment to imagine uproar if man had been walking woman through Farringdon on a dog leash.

— Heidi Stephens (@heidistephens) April 11, 2014


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Write to Olivia B. Waxman at olivia.waxman@time.com