7 Chimps Escape Kansas City Zoo

1 minute read

According to NBC affiliate, @41ActionNews the chimpanzees are back in captivity http://t.co/lvpoU3E0Ss pic.twitter.com/0QUXbjyHrE

— KSN News Wichita (@KSNNews) April 10, 2014

A group of chimpanzees made a break from the Kansas City zoo on Thursday. One of the chimps placed a 5-to-6-foot log against the wall, allowing him and six of his compatriots to scurry up the log and over the wall. They landed in an area only zookeepers can enter.

Zoo officials evacuated the zoo as a precaution, though zoo director Randy Wisthoff said at no time was anyone in danger, according to the Kansas City Star. They eventually coaxed the animals back into their enclosures using carrots, celery, lettuce and malted milk balls.

[Kansas City Star]

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Write to Eliana Dockterman at eliana.dockterman@time.com