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This Puppy’s Guilty Face Trapped in a Blanket Jail of Its Own Making Is the Ultimate Mug Shot

1 minute read

It’s not news to anyone that no luxury item is safe around a puppy, and this latest viral incident is very special proof.

That was never more hilariously evident than on Thursday night when Washington Post food editor Mary Beth Albright’s seven-month-old dog Zelda chewed through a blanket, creating a hole she inevitably got stuck in. She made the most sympathetic guilty face imaginable, and the result of this storyline is a mug shot that has captivated the collective minds of the internet.

“It was worth it,” Mary Beth Albright captioned a second picture of the dog, which almost appeared to be smirking at the shenanigans. It was almost like being put in a pillory.

Her face says it all. No dog on earth is more thrilled about pulling off a zany scheme than Zelda.

Naturally, the internet took this image and ran with it. It’s garnered more than 60,000 likes. With eyes you could fall right into, and a head stuck in a booby trap of his own making, it was a smash.

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