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The Queen of England Is Reigning All Over Her Official New Portrait

2 minute read

Queen Elizabeth II looks absolutely regal in a new portrait by British painter Nicky Philipps.

In the oil painting, the 92-year-old British monarch wears dramatic dark green velvet ceremonial robes and the Order of Thistle collar, featuring a pendant of St. Andrews, the highest order of chivalry in Scotland. The Queen’s attire in the portrait is especially fitting when you consider that the painting will be featured in the Royal Dining Room in Holyrood House, the Queen’s official royal residence in Edinburgh, Scotland. The background of the painting also pays tribute to the Queen’s time spent in Scotland, with a depiction of Salisbury Crags, a series of cliffs in Holyrood Park.

This isn’t the first time that Philipps has had a royal portrait commission. She’s also painted Prince William and Prince Harry and as of this portrait, has painted Queen Elizabeth three times. That’s not to say, however, that Philipps didn’t have nerves while working on this portrait. In a press release, she revealed that “it’s nerve-wracking, but it is enormous fun and it’s a fantastic honor to be asked to do it.”

See her portrait below.


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Write to Cady Lang at cady.lang@timemagazine.com