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By Bus, By Plane and With a Skincare Session. Woman Gives a Play-By-Play of Her Epic Journey to Vote in Midterm Elections

2 minute read

An intrepid woman went on an epic road trip to make sure that she did her civic duty for the 2018 midterm elections after her absentee ballot was a no-show.

Emi Anne, the Chief Advocacy Officer at Youth Caucus of America, took to her Twitter to share her journey to vote in the midterm elections after her absentee ballot for North Carolina never arrived.

Over an impressive 22-tweet thread, Emi gave a play-by-play live-tweet narrative of her adventure to get from Washington D.C. to Durham, North Carolina, which included an overnight bus, a trip to the polls, and a flight to make it back to D.C. in time for work the next morning. Along the way, Emi also found time to advocate for causes she believed in, make a playlist, listen to podcasts, stay hydrated and wear a face mask because “skincare stops for no election.” After about 17 hours of travel, Emi announced that she was back in D.C. and ready to “bring this election home!”

Read all of Emi’s epic election adventure below.

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Write to Cady Lang at cady.lang@timemagazine.com