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Watch Two Little Girls Attempt Judo in The Most Adorable 2 Minutes of Your Day

1 minute read

It’s fun to watch these little girls knock each other over in Judo because they can barely stand upright themselves.

(h/t Uproxx)

See 11 Adorable Babies Swimming Underwater

Zoe, 5 monthsSeth Casteel
Michael G., 12 monthsSeth Casteel
Zelda Mae, 7 monthsSeth Casteel
Emerson, 7 monthsSeth Casteel
Adeline, 10 monthsSeth Casteel
Bailey, 14 monthsSeth Casteel
Colton, 11 monthsSeth Casteel
Warren M., 11 monthsSeth Casteel
Khyleigh, 9 monthsSeth Casteel
Michael R., 4.5 monthsSeth Casteel
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Write to Olivia B. Waxman at olivia.waxman@time.com