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These Two Nigerian Brides Left Their Own Wedding Receptions to Take Their Final Exam

1 minute read

Two Nigerian brides are proving that you can have your wedding cake and eat it too. Brides Dorcas Atsea and Doborah Atoh, two final-year students pursuing Mass Communications degrees, found that their weddings fell on the same date as their final exam, following a postponement of the test in February. Their solution? Host a wedding and reception, but take a mid-day break to take their final exam.

According to CNN, both women attempted to ask for a date adjustment but to no avail.

“I went to the exam officer, she said I should choose between the two: the exam or the wedding,” Atoh said.

On the day of their weddings, Atoh and Atsea headed to the church to tie the knot, then hightailed it to the university, wedding gowns and all, to take their final year exam at noon. Following completing their test, the brides and scholars attended their respective wedding receptions.

Many took to Twitter to cheer the women on for their commitment to education despite obstacles.

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Write to Cady Lang at cady.lang@timemagazine.com