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  • Denmark

A Demolition Goes Wrong in Denmark, Sending a Silo Crashing Down on a Cultural Center

1 minute read

A silo demolition in Denmark went awry Friday as a 170-foot tower collapsed in the wrong direction and partially landed on a local cultural center.

Dozens who gathered in Vordingborg, a town in eastern Denmark, watched as the 170-foot tower fell not into a safely cleared zoned, as was intended, but directly on top of the town’s waterfront cultural center, SF Gate reports.

The silo was effectively demolished, but so were administrative offices in the Vordingbord Libraries, which also house an archive and a music school. No one was injured in the blast.

An investigation is underway into what caused the tower to “switch sides,” as experts contend that the charges were set correctly.

Watch the defective demolition below:

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Write to Eli Meixler at eli.meixler@time.com