Washington Mudslide Death Toll Hits 34

1 minute read

Updated April 8, 11am EST

Medical examiners in Washington State’s Snohomish County have confirmed another fatality in the Oso mudslide, bringing the disaster’s death toll to 34 as of Tuesday.

Only 30 of the confirmed victims have been identified. The last victim named was Billy L. Spillers, 30, who died of multiple blunt-force injuries, the Associated Press reports. Authorities are still searching for more bodies in the aftermath of the March 22 mudslide that destroyed a residential neighborhood 55 miles (88.5 km) north of Seattle.

Funerals for the dead started over the weekend as the town of Oso mourned school custodian Summer Raffo, 36, and librarian Linda McPherson, 69, the Chicago Tribune reports. Additional services for the missing and the dead are scheduled for later this week.

[NBC News]

This piece was updated to reflect latest death toll

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Write to Charlotte Alter at charlotte.alter@time.com