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Here’s the Magical Hack You Can Use to See J.K. Rowling’s Original Hogwarts Sketch

2 minute read

For anyone’s who dreamed of attending Hogwarts or being sorted into one of the four school’s houses, the British Library’s current exhibit, “Harry Potter: A History of Magic,” is a destination that will delight both wizards and Muggles alike. However, for those who can’t make it out to London to see the exhibit, the Google Arts & Culture app is providing a magical hack to bring the exhibit to everyone.

With the Google Arts & Culture app, anyone can view J.K. Rowling’s original sketch for Hogwarts or take a 360-degree tour of the Divination room thanks to Google’s undertaking to digitize the entire exhibit. Additionally, inquisitive wizards-in-training can look at The Museum of Witchcraft & Magic collection (a collection of over 3,000 otherworldly items, from broomsticks to crystal balls), take courses in everything from potions to herbology, and even learn how to take care of magical creatures and fantastic beasts.

Google’s decision to put the exhibit on the app came after the original exhibit at the library sold out in record time; to see a sample of what you can experience with the Google Arts & Culture app, watch the clip below.


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Write to Cady Lang at cady.lang@timemagazine.com