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Jocelyne Lamoureux Just Busted an Olympics Record and the Internet Can’t Handle It

1 minute read

The Olympics are packed with action-filled moments, whether you’re watching the first American woman land a triple axel in figure skating, Chloe Kim wow the world on a snowboard, or the first American luger to win a medal. However, for pure adrenaline-fueled intensity packed into just six seconds, it’s hard to rival what unfolded when American ice hockey forward Jocelyne Lamoureux scored two goals in six seconds flat in the match against the team of Olympic Athletes from Russia.

Not only did she put Team USA in the lead, but Lamoureux made Olympic history while she was at it with the fastest two goals scored by one player ever in Olympic hockey history by either men or women.

The internet couldn’t handle it and took to Twitter to express their Olympic-sized emotions:


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