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The Internet Is Sounding Off About How Pleased Apple Is With Apple in This Commercial

1 minute read

“What’s a computer?”

That’s the conversation-sparking line in Apple’s latest ad for iPad Pro that is driving viewers crazy on Twitter. In the commercial, a kid uses the iPad to do everything over the course of a day spent biking around the city: chat with friends, write a zine about bugs, make art. At the end of the day, blissfully unaware of the original machine that is technically powering her activity, a neighbor asks what the kid is doing on the computer. iPads, apparently, are a whole different level of technology.

But some people on the internet are simply not O.K. with Apple’s insistence that a computer has already become an obsolete item in 2018, sounding off insistently about it, expressing that Apple is a computer company at heart — and should be promoting their core product.

Or have they transcended the humble computer?

See some of the reactions below.

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Write to Raisa Bruner at raisa.bruner@time.com